Sunday, January 25, 2015

My 2015 Writing Goals

I'm starting strong with a new job at a second library.
Hey j9, let's keep this trend of goal achieving going into this New Year!

  • Polish the 10 Short Stories I already finished and send them off.
    • It's just January & I've already sent off four stories!!! Yay!
      • One was rejected, but it's already out to another publication.
      • TWO have homes!!! (Details TBA)
  • Edit the 10 stories that need major rewrites & send them off.
  • Finish & send out the rest of my Yultide stories / doodles (This is what I did for gifties this year. I got my immediate family and a few friend's done, but so many left to do. Should I change the name to Springtime Stories if it takes me too long?)
  • Finish the background work for the e-zine I'm putting together by May, go live with it by August.
  • Sort through my Yuletide stories, my Tiny Terrible Tales & my Drabble Dreams & pull the ones that I want to grow (This is a Summer goal.)
  • Finish rewriting The Peculiar Predicament of Poppets  (PPP) as a novel. (This story has been a poem, switched POV countless times and just keeps growing.) 
  • Self-publish PPP by November. 
  • Work on the Innosphere (This is the new title of the novel I wrote & got feedback on. It's changed A LOT... for the better... I hope!)
  • Pull together my short story collections. 
  • Decide which ones need a publisher & which are to be self-published.

It's gonna be a lot of work, but I'm excited about this new year!